Design and project management

We know that experience pays dividends, and we pride ourselves on our detailed knowledge of small hydro and in-river engineering, and we rely on this knowledge when we design projects, and manage the delivery of projects

System design and project management

Portworthy Dam

On Stream were employed to carry out all the licensing for this scheme and detailed design of the system.  This was then formalised into a tender package and put out for competitive tendering.  Following tenders, On Stream advised the client and acted as owner's engineer during the civil installation process.  Following completion of the civil package, On Stream acted as principal contractor for the installation and commissioning of the M&E equipment.  Following operational completion, we coordinated minor environmental mitigations as required by licenses, and now carry out full on site asset management including all routine operation work, out of hours attendance, servicing and periodic maintenance.

System design including private wire networks

Becky Falls

On Stream carried out all design and licensing for this site which includes some challenging features.

The site included a number of land owners, and the developer had agreed to provide a private wire connection to multiple users, whilst maintaining independent supplies to these properties with changeover arrangements.

The design required a challenging extension of the Distribution Network Operator’s High Voltage network, this work included taking parts of the network underground, carrying out a significant extension including a river crossing in a difficult location, and trenching through a boulder strewn protected ancient woodland.  At the new transformer location, a new private wire Low Voltage network to connect the power house and customers was included, with half hourly metering to all supplies.  In addition the Low Voltage and fibre data network were extended to the remote intake where the telecoms connection was made, as well as data connections to customers and to the powerhouse to provide controls to comply with lease arrangements.  Associated with the lease arrangements there is further power management apparatus to automate the prioritisation of different customers.

The hydro plant itself has significant aspects which are informed by the planning authority’s requirements, including pipeline above ground, and a separate powerhouse 200m from the turbine, with a turbine in a tiny housing within a Special Area of Conservation (SAC) ancient woodland with extremely constrained access. 

On Stream now carries out full asset management.